Forest Essentials Tranquil Sleep Review

I know I am the last one to wish all of you Happy New Year, but here I am Finally!!! I wish all of you a very happy 2016 and wish that this becomes the happiest year of your lives. I am looking forward to spend a little more time in knowing all of you this year, as I  have enjoyed all the little time that I have had with you all!!! I have been a bit occupied lately, but I hope to more regular now on wards.

The first post of 2016 on my blog will be of an usual product. This one is Forest Essentials Tranquil Sleep, which is a blend of oils concocted to induce a calm restful sleep. The key ingredients of this blend are Sandalwood Essential oil, Geranium Essential oil, Nutmeg Essential Oil and Lavender Essential oil.

IMG_0173Price: INR 695 for 10 ml

Directions to use:

Use on the pillow and neck, for maximum effect.

Although it is a natural product, the company wants the customers to make sure that they are not allergic to natural products.

Now I love sleeping. I love to sleep for long hours at stretch, and get cranky if I don’t get my beloved sleep. Forever that I can remember, I have trouble initiating sleep. It takes a long time, sometimes even hours, to fall asleep. And at times, it gets irritating… lying in the bed in the  dark, eyes closed, waiting to fall asleep! So when I saw this product during my last visit to the FE store, I thought of giving it a try.

Forest Essentials Tranquil Sleep comes packed in transparent spray bottle with a black cap. This has a shelf life of around 9 months. The downfall of the packaging is that it leaks from the top when sprayed, which when I checked with the SA, is a common occurrence in this product.

I have used it couple of times now, and I must say, I am impressed with this blend!!! I use it as per directions, on the back of my ears and on my pillow. It smells heavenly!!! I love how it smells, and honestly the fragrance itself calms down in a moment.The oil blend has helped me to fall asleep on most of the nights that I have used it. I don’t really know how it is supposed to induce sleep, but the product packaging describes as a sedative blend of pure essential oils that help to unwind and relax. And in my case, I have actually felt that it helps to relax me and helps to fall asleep faster.

I will just like to explain how I feel it is helping me to relax and achieve a calmer sleep. First and foremost, the smell of this blend is amazing. Once I apply it, my mind starts concentrating on the fragrance automatically, and I start feeling relaxed. I have also realized that it helps to relieve tension in my neck and shoulder muscles a little bit as well, although it does not claim to do any such thing!!! But hey, that is how I feel it is working on me!!!

I am highly impressed how this product has fared so far. I had my share of bad experiences with Forest Essentials products earlier, and I am glad that finally a product from this brand has worked for me. Though I think this product will not be able to help people with severe insomnia, I highly recommend it to people who have trouble falling asleep due to stress or those who have disturbed sleep. A unique product that helps in physical well being!!!

Flawed or fab???


Rating: 4/5 (High price and flimsy packaging is only concern)

Will I repurchase and recommend Forest Essentials Tranquil Sleep to others?

Yes, I am definitely going to buy it again, especially for the nights that I am exhausted or stressed. I will also recommend it to people having disturbed sleep.

Has anyone of you tried out this product yet? And how has been the year 2016 for all of you so far??? Please do share with me.


24 thoughts on “Forest Essentials Tranquil Sleep Review

  1. Seems very interesting, even I suffer from falling asleep during my stressful days and for that I seriously started doing meditation and reading books to recover from that wierd situations. I will give it a try, I love FE products a lot!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. looks like a great product, especially for insomniacs like me! 😀 I might have to skip this one because I don’t like smell of lavender 😦 nice review tho! 🙂


  3. looks like a great product, especially for insomniacs like me! 😀 I will have to skip this one because I don’t like smell of lavender 😦 nice review tho! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sangeeta it is helping me out, I have felt the difference in the quality of my sleep after using this. It is a bit pricey for the amount, but then you just need 2 sprays and you are set.


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